Bruno returned three years later: “Sometimes I thought it was better not to continue”

Bruno Soriano returns to soccer. The Villarreal captain jumped onto the field in the 88th minute replacing Vicente Iborra and He dresses again short after more than three years of absence due to injury. Their last meeting was on May 21, 2017, against Valencia in Mestalla.

Villarreal Shield / Flag

Even on an empty field the great captain's return was cheered. The few present in La Cerámica, those allowed by the LaLiga protocol, standing to receive the eternal '21' groguet. “It has been very important after working so long, trying and not getting it. It was a very difficult game, but I am very happy, “he said after his return to the pitch.

An injury, a priori for a few months, have kept him in check to the point of thinking about ending his career.

“I have tried to return many times and it could not happen. It has been a joy for all the people who have helped me, my family, my girlfriend … There were hard moments and sometimes I thought the best thing was not to continue. There were many disappointments in a row“he explained once the meeting was over.

With the match coming to an end, Bruno set foot on La Cerámica's lawn again: “I tried to do my best and get plugged in and it felt fine, no discomfort. I will try to help

Enough time to show that, despite inactivity, he still has football in his boots: “Any game for me is vital. It is important only to come cited. I thank the coach for trusting me. “