Brunette, Catalan and 40 years old: everything we know about Bertín Osborne’s new lover

The ranchera singer continues to add controversies and women to his resume. The separation of him from Fabiola Martinezafter 20 years of marriage and two children together, has exposed an alleged double life that suggests that Bertin Osborne He would have been with at least four women in the last five years. The last one is dark-skinned, Catalan, she is years old and her name starts with M.

According to Lorena Vázquez and Laura Fa, there are “irrefutable evidence” of the relationship between the artist and this girl, which they had maintained since 2017. That same year, in fact, she served as Bertín’s companion at the Peralada festival. “They spoke almost daily, they saw each other whenever they could in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Zaragoza, Bertín’s Sevillian estate… There was a romantic relationship between them,” she stated. “She now feels very bad because she believed that, except for Fabiola Martínez, she was the only one in Bertín’s life and she has discovered that she was just one more.”

They also claim that ‘M’ had and has a romantic partner, so it was not she who leaked the information but people from her closest circle: “There are images, audios and other evidence that leaves no room for doubt about what has passed between them.” They also do not rule out that now, feeling betrayed, she wants to speak to reveal the true face of Bertín Osborne: “In the end you have a minimum agreement and you do not know that man that you have been with since 2017.”

The ‘exes’, very angry

The appearance of this new and alleged lover of Bertín Osborne has greatly bothered the artist himself, who has flatly denied it, but also two of his ‘former’ officers: Fabiola Martinez y Gabriela Guillén. The mother of his two youngest children did not want to speak out but did want to make it clear that the only bond that unites her to the presenter is the children and the foundation. For her part, the model, in the final stretch of pregnancy for what will be Bertín’s sixth child, has been very upset: “I don’t want to know anything about him, or this or anything.”

As we said, this is already the fifth woman who has had a relationship with Bertín in recent years, some of them coinciding with his marriage to Fabiola. The first to appear was Gabriela, the Paraguayan model already eight months pregnant, followed by Chabeli Navarro (who claimed to have also become pregnant), Incarnate Navarrosinger of Operación Triunfo and Lele Marchformer porn actress known for her relationships with El Chatarrero and Kiko Rivera.