Bouldini, the winter striker who gives hope to Fernando Torres

Bouldini He arrived at Fuenlabrada on January 8 with the complicated mission of contributing goals to the second least scoring team in the category. Today, the Moroccan adds four goals with the blue shearling and feeds the few, but growing, chances of salvation of the South Madrid team.

Photo de Mohamed Bouldini

His solitary goal against Malaga of last day allowed the azulones to meet Sandoval’s first objective: climb a position in the table and surpass Amorebieta. So many worth targets, so many maybe worth a save. In that play, Bouldini put some of its main characteristics into play: uncheck and auction. He knew how to get rid of Lombán and then hook Gozzi’s center with his right foot. Later, relief in the arms of Pedro León.

It happens that Bouldini has the makings of a different footballer: ‘strong’ as if a gym were his second home and sensitive enough to celebrate the goal on the shoulder of his teammate Pedro León. His coach Sandoval recognizes him at a press conference: “Moha (as they call him in the locker room) is a unique boy. The same ‘sticks’ with the centrals for sixty minutes that he almost cried for scoring the winning goal“.

Shield/Flag Fuenlabrada

the hope of salvation

His signing sowed doubts in the Fuenlabreña parish. The bet on Soldano was wrong and Zozulia has made it clear at all times that he is not a nine scorer. For this reason, signing a player from Santa Clara, a club in the Portuguese first division, was something exotic and wrong in the eyes of the fan. However, Bouldini is the main asset of salvation of the azulones at this time. Four goals and the feeling that he can take the team on his back.