As anticipated in scoop Informalia On May 30, the daughter of María Teresa Campos negotiated an exclusive before becoming a grandmother at the beginning of June. And here it is. “I’ve had the worst eight months of my life (…) I don’t want to take my life, but I want to get away from life“, are some of the heartbreaking headlines that carmen borrego leaves on the cover of your friend magazine this Wednesday. “I have a sick mother, a problem with my son, I have lost my job…”, she laments.
The sadness that Carmen feels is so immense that she has even seen the need to express her pain in Lectures, going through the box. While her sister will continue working on the traveling version that Netflix prepares after the end of Save me in Telecinco, she has no job: “I ask companies to hire me“, implores in his interview. “I need to worklike everyone else, for money, but also because I need to keep my mind busy“.

With this panorama, this is how he finds himself day by day: “There are days I don’t get out of bed. Since I don’t work, it’s hard for me to get up. But I don’t want to throw in the towel.” As to whether he goes to therapy, he says no, even though he has blind faith in his beliefs: “No, but he should. Lately religion has helped me a lot, I go a lot to El Niño del Remedio. I am also in the phase of asking for divine help“However, he acknowledges that the best thing he could do at this hard time is to go to professionals:” I have a lot of anxiety and a lot of fear of falling into depression. The best thing I can do is call my psychologist“.
about his mother
Carmen and Terelu already explained on television that María Teresa Campos, at 82, is going through a bad time due to her cognitive deterioration. About her, Carmen adds in the magazine: “Not having my mother whom I called if I had a problem and assuming what was happening to her, made my life wobble.“. In this sense, he also says: “I have great concern for my mother, whom I I have cried a lot because I am very sorry to see her how she is. I feel powerless as a daughter.”
At this time, Terelu and Carmen put aside their differences from the past and are more united than ever, or so they say: “Terelu and I are having a very hard time. we are very close. She carries a lot of suffering with me and I stand strong for her, she is so good, she loves me so much, she doesn’t deserve to see me like this.”
about his son
The last months of her life have also been marked by the estrangement with her son, Jose Maria Almoguerawho gave his first grandson with his wife, Paola Olmedo, on June 5. Despite the quarrels, they made a small truce so that the grandmother could meet the baby. However, her relationship with her son has not improved: “She is on stand-by”, she confesses. “To solve it, the only thing that counts is waiting and prudence.”
With whom he has completely ironed out rough edges is his niece, Alexandra Rubio: “Some time ago she stopped calling me ‘tita’ and started calling me Carmen. Now she sends me a message and says: ‘Tita, can you…’ It gives me life that she calls me ‘tita’. She is not aware than the conservations that I have with her help me”.
Her greatest support is her husband. Jose Carlos Bernal: “The person who is suffering the most from everything that happens is José Carlos. The love with which he treats my mother, or how much he can come to love my daughter Carmen and my son, is impressive.”
Inside the same magazine, she sells the hardest moment of her life while posing in a swimsuit and smiling.