BlueBay asks the judge that the extension of the Al Thani case does not exceed six months

The judge who instructs the complaint presented by the Association of Small Shareholders of Malaga against the Al Thani and which was joined by BlueBay, the Malaga City Council, Dumet Grayeb and Malaga Viva Deportiva, decreed a few days ago the extension of the instruction for a period of six months. This decision was notified a few days ago to all the parties involved in the judicial process.

The hotel company, which recently just won a judicial pulse against the sheikh, this time in the Provincial Court, has spoken in favor of this extension ruled by the magistrate, although it advocates an extension of the process not exceeding those six months. BlueBay has formally requested the court to “Agree to the extension of the investigation for the period strictly necessary for the practice of the testimony of the investigated, which will be carried out within the next six months”.

Coat of Arms / Flag Málaga

The company has been in the news in recent days due to the resolution of the Hearing, which ratifies it as the owner of 49% of the shares of NAS Spain 2000, that is, of 47.5% of the Malaga shares. “Declares all agreements valid. Show all the tricks that the sheikh has used to buy time. Now we are going to hold a talk with the club's judicial administration to see what all this means for Málaga”Stated the CEO of BlueBay, Gonzalo Hervás, in SportDirect Radio.

The executive was clearly in favor of the capital increase: “We want to promote it. It is the only option for the sheik to participate as a partner of the entity. It is an option that he is present. The second option is that he does not appear. It is the moment of truth. If it is not, the rest of the partners will have to contribute the necessary resources. There are ways the club can cope with Al Thani's default. At the moment he is only putting obstacles to everything. The club can live without him”.

The process, given the shareholding composition of NAS Spain 2000, seems complex: “The capital increase has to have two phases. Two extensions must be done simultaneously. That of NAS Spain must be agreed by both parties. The first thing is to request a meeting with the administrator. We have to take the necessary steps forward to solve this framework. We have to meet and institutionally study what are the best options”.