Betrayal in Cantora: an employee of Isabel Pantoja leaks information to the press to profit

The tonadillera returns to the Spanish stages this Saturday and does so with tremendous disgust. The reason? A mole that has slipped into Cantora and is leaking all the details of the tour of Isabel Pantoja and their movements. For example, that this Thursday he caught a plane in Jerez bound for Gran Canaria.

“It’s a fat betrayal”They have said on Telecinco. And they provide one more piece of information: “This person has leaked information about the singer to the media to earn money.” Isabel Pantoja still does not know the identity of the traitor or traitor, who is part of the team that accompanies her on the tour: “Right now, Isabel travels with a person who is part of that intimate circle who touches the queen, who dresses her, who irons him and that he does a lot of chores but that he has leaked to a very close person where Isabel will be at all times,” they have assured.

They further state that this person has colluded with others who will try to get graphic material from the singer to sell it to the press and profit at their expense.

This new information overshadows the happy reappearance of the interpreter of Sailor of Lights, who is willing to regain the love and admiration of her Spanish fans after a successful Latin American tour. This Saturday, Pantoja performs at the Arena Gran Canaria; she will also visit Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao. On September 4, in addition, she will be the first guest of the new season of the anthillwhere he will promote his return to the stage.