Betis bets on Bravo

The Betis I bet you Claudio Bravo for your goal. The Chilean aims to be the next player renewed of the Verdiblanco club, which relies on his experience and leadership to extend his current contract until summer 2023. It is the plan that the entity has on the table, while the goalkeeper it’s found satisfied with his role in Heliopolis and for him it represents a challenge to his career when he is about to turn 39 years old. The trust of the rest of the squad and of the team itself Manuel Pellegrini They are also very powerful incentives.

Photo by Claudio Bravo

Precisely the Pellegrino’s role is key in the intention of all parties to extend this current alliance. He handed her a important role in the team, exchanging periods of ownership with Rui Silva and taking care of your physical condition so as not to raise the demands too much. Both understand each other perfectly in that context and for the coach it is a fundamental asset in the locker room leadership level. with Joaquinbrings a degree of experience that the coach likes and that results in an incentive for the rest of the squad.

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Bravo looks to the future with caution. some injury yes stopped its prominence recent, but he hopes that his good moments in Heliopolis will have more continuity. His competition with Rui Silva is remarkable and for Pellegrini that is a battle of high grades that also raises the general level of the Betis goal. In Heliopolis they want to attach a sketch of their next campus very soon and Bravo is one of the key assets when composing that goal puzzle.