Betis opened the season ticket renewal campaign on Monday, on Tuesday it announced that it had reached 5,000 members and yesterday Wednesday night it already had 15,000. The pace is record high although the pandemic causes the numerus clausus to be placed at around 40,000 that were reached last season, even without being able to go to football. And then, to wait what is decided on the access to the stadium.
It is expected that within five weeks, those remaining to start LaLiga, between 60 and 70 percent of the stadium capacity can be completed. That in the Benito Villamarín, with a capacity for more than 60,000 people, would allow practically the majority of the 40,000 members that will have access in a few days at the current rate.
Although the current evolution of the pandemic does not allow us to know if these percentages or less will finally be those that can access the Heliopolitan area and the rest of Andalusia, since it will be the communities who decide the capacity. Currently, Seville continues to have a high risk of contagion, with more than 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks.