The Belgian football league Pro League has adopted on Thursday a series of measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, which affects at least 50 people in the country, including prohibit players from taking selfies with fans. “Contacts with players are not desirable for now. Therefore we ask fans to do not ask for autographs, handshakes, selfies and shirts for players during this period“, indicate the organizers of the competition in a statement.
The Belgian league emphasizes that “the current situation requires special attention and follow-up but it is not necessary to panic,” but has introduced a series of guidelines to curb the spread of the pandemic, following the recommendations of the Belgian Federal Health Service. In addition to preventing fans from approaching soccer players, journalists will not be allowed to interview athletes less than a meter away and it is recommended to avoid shaking hands or kissing to greet and cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, as well as wash your hands frequently.
The Pro League have also asked fans to feel sick don't go to the stadiums this weekend while soccer players are asked to avoid “useless direct contacts as much as possible”, so the greetings at the beginning and end of the matches have been suppressed. However, no match has been suspended or forced to play any game behind closed doors..