With resilience, optimism and the responsibility of caring more than ever your health. Thus, Belén Rodríguez faces his treatment against throat cancera disease that was diagnosed at the end of last year, and on which this Monday has shared news.
The journalist, who turns 59 this month, has celebrated through an Instagram story that has recovered his voice. “I had been a mute since January 28. Today I got up and I can speak. Little by little, although I can’t force much,” he explained.
“I have missed you. Now, although little, I can greet you. A very strong kiss and thanks for the messages of affection, “said the one who was a collaborator of the extinct Save me.
Good news that comes after announcing last January that had left tobacco. “I share it in case my experience can serve someone. It is finding me easier than I thought. In my case it was to choose between tobacco and my life, and I chose to live,” said the communicator, who during her years as a smoker was unable to spend more than four hours without taking a cigar.
“In this month, my life has changed radically. I can say that of ‘New Year New’Well, I started the year with the firm purpose of healing. Surrounded by excellent professionals who found the right treatment, there is less. I am very proud of me and the people who are by my side: family, friends and colleagues, who have not released me or a second; Adapting to my needs, “Belén said.
The journalist demonstrates being fully focused on her recovery. For now, Keep with the radiosince last February the chimio sessions ended. Then, she was admitted to the hospital. His surroundings were at that time clarified that the journalist was fine. “He is facing his illness with an impressive force and resilience. He is leaving all his friends speechless by force. We never doubted Bethlehem’s strength, but still leaving us … “, said his friend Iván over Fiesta.
The journalist also explained that the treatment that Bethlehem followed had caused him “A pain that had to be alleviated” and that he was causing him “that he could not ingest food well.” “It is great on the outside because, in the end, this is a treatment. She is fighting, but they have entered her because this is the sequelae. She is also undergoing a radio treatment and this is cumulative and clear, when treating it, because it costs,” said the journalist.