The right-hander turned 50 this Tuesday and has received many congratulations through social networks. One of the most special has been that of his daughter Julia: “Happy return to the sun to the man of my life, to the one who saw me born and to the person who gives everything for us and who is always with a smile. Thank you for giving everything for me and my brothers and thank you for being the best father I could have had.”. Some words that some have understood as a provocation towards Belen Estebanwho was quick to respond.
The town princess has been very direct in her reply with a photograph in which she appears with her daughter Andrea, as a baby, and two words: “My life”. A gesture with which he breaks the promise he made to the young woman when she turned 18: not to talk about her or her paternal family or show images of her publicly.

On this occasion, furthermore, the dart is extremely sensitive, because precisely the relationship between Andrea and Juls is quite close. The sisters regained contact a couple of years ago and showed the adults that things could be done the right way: “What we couldn't achieve, they did,” Belén said then. Calls, messages and appointments in Madrid or El Bosque that both Julia and Andrea take care of and protect like gold.
A special day
Jesulín turned 50 this Tuesday and if the congratulations from his daughter Julia have been an outpouring of love, what can we say about that of his wife, María José Campanario. The dentist, who opened her social networks a few months ago, has shared a carousel of images and an authentic declaration to her husband: “Congratulations on this new return to the Sun to the purest soul that can exist; to the one with the biggest heart; to the one who works tirelessly; the one who protects me even from the air that may touch me… The one who gets emotional and cries with a song by Rocío Jurado and with a little girl who plays the cajon. The one who wakes up at night to put it back on his hand on my chest and tell me 'I just need to know you're there,” he wrote. “I wouldn't change a single day with you. I can't tell you anything other than that I love you, as far as the light is able to reach.”