Belén Esteban, after her embarrassment at The 40 Music Awards: “I would do it again”

Bethlehem Esteban became the great protagonist of The 40 Music Awards, held last Friday at the Wizink Center in Madrid. The princess of the town did not cut herself and she asked for a photo of every artist there has been, from her friend Rosalia up to the father, Manuel Carrasco, Daniel Martin, Lola Indigo o Sebastian Yatra.

read alsoBelén Esteban, the other protagonist of The 40 Music Awards: from perreo with Ayuso to greeting Andreíta

After the criticism received for being so insistent with the best-known singers of our country, the collaborator has said in Save mesomewhat annoyed: “I had such a good time that today I would do it again,” he assured.

This appointment came at a long-awaited moment for her, after a few months annoyed by her tibia and fibula operation. For this reason, she does not regret having a great time while she took photos of her with her idols: “After so many months that I have been in my house, I needed to give myself a good tribute.” She has also talked about one of the funniest moments she experienced: “Sebastián Yatra told me that he loved my memes.”

On the set they have criticized her for asking all the singers for photographs while Belén rejected the request of some anonymous people who approached her for the same reason. Kiko Matamoros has described the behavior of his partner as “childish”. The talk show host, at these awards, also asked Ana Mena a video – greeting to your daughter, Andrea Janeiro.