Begoña Villacís reinvents herself: from deputy mayor of Madrid to a cybersecurity company and to television talk shows

Begoña Villacís returns to work. The former vice mayor has signed for BeDisruptive, a cybersecurity company, as director of institutional relations. Through this position, the former politician will build bridges between the company and public administrations or different organizations and private entities.

The former Citizens will return to the private sector after not being re-elected in the municipal elections last May, in which she was left out of the City Council with just 2.83% of the vote. In this way, his career in Madrid politics came to an end, a career that lasted eight years and during which he coordinated the areas of Urban Development, Economy, Employment and Innovation, Families, Equality and Social Well-being and the areas of International and Transparency. and Territorial Coordination.

“I am delighted to start this new stage at BeDisruptive, a company in full growth, in a key and future sector, such as cybersecurity, which every day becomes more important to protect our systems and data from possible threats that may arise because we do not we will have freedom without security”, Villacís points out in the press release issued by the company itself.

From politics to ‘television’

The vice mayor will combine this new position with the role of socialite in morning, the new morning show on La 1 presented by Jaime Cantizano. He has joined the program along with other political personalities such as Carolina Bescansa, Guillermo Fernández Vara or José Manuel García-Margallo to talk about the current situation in this field. Prior to this, Villacís already collaborated in the morning of 1 between 2014 and 2015.