Begoña Gómez mourns the death of her father a week after her statement before the judge but with the support of her husband

Begoña Gómez faces the death of her father, Sabiniano Gómez. The death of the father-in-law of the President of the Government has occurred when Pedro Sánchez’s wife is undoubtedly facing her most controversial stage, marked by the scandal and in the days prior to her statement before the judge as an investigator (former figure of accused). , in the case opened for alleged crimes of corruption in the private sector and influence peddling, according to the complaint filed by Manos Liminas. It will be next July 5, at 10:00 in the morning, in the Investigative Court Number 41 in Madrid.

Judge Juan Carlos Peinado, who is investigating Gómez, asked the State Society of Industrial Participations (SEPI) for information about the rescue of Air Europa. In the order, the head of Court Number 41 has urged the public company to provide documentation related to the aid granted to the airline by the solvency fund for strategic companies. Specifically, it has demanded “the complete files for which the aid was granted, in any of its phases, as well as the documentation and information that, in relation to them, allow us to know its beginning, development, execution, financing and decision-making.” decisions in this regard. The summons responds to the proceedings focused on a series of public contracts awarded to companies of Juan Carlos Barrabés, professor of the master’s degree at the Complutense University that she co-directed.

While Begoña Gómez’s defense has accused Peinado of carrying out a “prospective” investigation and has reminded him that the Supreme Court already warned in rulings 24 years ago that in modern criminal law the “general inquisition” has been banished. He has argued this in a document in which he appeals the decision of the magistrate who is investigating her for alleged crimes of influence peddling and corruption. His lawyer, the former Minister of the Interior Antonio Camacho, has recalled that those investigated have right to be informed from the beginning of the case “of the facts that have determined its initiation and the reasons for its involvement.” Furthermore, the lawyer has assured that “it is incomprehensible” that the rector of the Complutense University, Joaquín Goyache, has been summoned as a witness because “it is in no way related to the events that constituted the object of the investigation.”

The judge stands Gómez’s summons for July 5, Despite his defense’s attempts to suspend that interrogation until the facts are known, the instructor remains after the European Prosecutor’s Office summons.
