The Atletico Madrid He does not have much room for maneuver in the transfer market. In fact, Enrique Cerezo, so he recognized. The mattress club has to make several sales to square the balance and be within the financial ‘fair play’ that it demands LaLiga for the coming season.
“As for the signings, we will communicate as we work. We are subject, like all clubs, to LaLiga and a series of economic commitments must be fulfilled. We will be able to sign what we can sign,” said the president in the presentation, in the Wanda Metropolitanofrom Mad Cup.
In this sense, he put eyes and face to the sales effort that the club must make. “There are 40 million that we have to sell, that’s where we are. The market is not easy, it is difficult. You already know the economic situation that is not easy, ”he confessed.
“I think we all need to sell. And we, indeed, to be able to sign we need to sell. But we are going to see to whom it is sold and to whom it is bought”, he concluded by saying.
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