Bardhi and Mustafi will adapt the work for Ramadan

Levante’s medical services have prepared some training and nutrition guidelines so that the team’s Muslim players can celebrate, if they so wish, Ramadan -which starts this Saturday, April 2- and at the same time they can compete in good conditions.

During the next month, those who celebrate Ramadan will have to fast from sunrise to sunset, an extreme that in the case of Levante’s Muslim players, such as Bardhi or Mustafi, would force them to face this Saturday’s game against Villarreal in different conditions than usual.

For this reason, the Levante coach, Alessio Lisci, explained that the club’s medical services have already been prepared to adapt to this situation and that the players are “fit” to be able to compete “in the best shape”.

“We have discussed it with the doctors and we will have some guidelines so that they can carry out Ramadan. They are not the only footballers who are going to start Ramadan in Europe and there are many ways to adapt. It’s going to affect him a bit, but there are situations that we have to live with and we can’t do anything”, commented the Italian.