Anyone imagined that coronavirus I was going to bring many losses to football clubs and now Deloitte He has put figures on the lack of income of the big European clubs compared to last season. In this report they place Barça, Madrid and Atleti in the first, second and thirteenth place respectively of the clubs with the most income.
In the case of Barcelona, The Catalans have gone from € 840.8M in 2019 to € 715.1M in 2020, assuming a decrease of 15%. On the other hand, Madrid has gone from € 757.3M to € 714.9M, reducing only 6% your income. The extension of the contract with Adidas until 2028 has allowed Madrid to enter three hundred million more in sponsorships. Atlético, with revenues of € 331.8M, reduced its figures by 10% from € 367.6M last year.

Surprising cases of Tottenham and Inter, who have been able to see increased your income for the exploitation of its stadium even without spectators. The first thanks to the NFL games it has hosted or the documentary of Amazon that have allowed to record. The Italians had insurance in case the business was interrupted as it was.
In summary, the top 20 top-earning teams received 12% less than the previous season. “The interruption of the 2019/20 football season, the different ways that the leagues in each country have had to respond to the pandemic, either by postponing or ending the season, as well as the difference in approaches from business partners, chains and stations have had a direct impact on the income generated by the clubs in the 2019/20 season “, he explains Concha Iglesias, Partner responsible for Sports at Deloitte Spain.