The FC Barcelona has closed the 2021-22 season with a total of 143,086 partnerswhich means a increase of 5,572 members (4,05%) compared to the closing of the previous season, in which they were subscribers 137,514 partners. This increase reverses the downward trend in the number of partners that has been maintained for ten years and means the biggest increase since 2010in which it increased by 6.07%, in the season after achieving the sextet.

Barça increases its social mass by 4%, the highest growth since 2010
This increase in the social mass of the Club is due to the policies implemented during the past season by the Board of Directors to fulfill its electoral commitment to facilitate affiliation to the Barça club, making the Barça a more open and democratic entity.
At the end of the previous fiscal year, the Board of Directors He decided remove restrictions to join the Clubsuch as being a first or second degree relative of a member, having previously been a member or having been a supporter of the club for three years or with a commitment card, and agreed that any Barça supporter could become a member in person at the Barcelona Fan Service Office (OAB)but the Entity’s Statutes made it impossible for this management to be carried out remotely and digitally.
In the General Assembly held last October, the modification of the Statutes was approved, which introduced the option of being able to register as a member electronically. Once this decision is made, the Club He worked on the IT aspects and on the necessary control systems to guarantee the safety and proper functioning of the entire process, until in April the possibility of becoming a member telematically from anywhere in the world was opened to all Barça fans. During the last three months of the seasonbetween April and June, there were a total of 1,922 online registrations.
Likewise, another important bulk of incorporations has been motivated by the 1,525 Barcelona fans who had the commitment card and who have benefited from the disappearance of the condition that marked at least three years with the possession of said card before being able to become a member or partner of Barça.
Geographical distribution
Regarding the geographical distribution of the current social radiography, Barcelona city binds the 39,15%with a total of 56,021 partnersWhile in the rest of Catalonia they concentrate 75.169 (52,53%) y outside Catalonia a total of 11.896 (8,31%).
Distribution by sex
Regarding genres, a total of 105,705 partners (73.88%) are male, while 37,381 members mean the 26,12% of the total social mass of the Club.
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