The financial situation of Barcelona is worrisome. From within the club they assure that if today LaLiga will startBarça could not enroll a no transfer. Not even Sergi Roberto or Dembélé in the event that they renewed. This may be the reason why the official announcement of the signings of Kessie and Christensen have been postponed. Both players have committed to Barcelona having the letter of freedom from the Milan and the Chelsearespectively, but the Fair Play of LaLiga would prevent them from registering them right now.
Faced with this situation, the Board of Directors that Barcelona must celebrate this Tuesday can be guessed as transcendental for him immediate future Of the entity. Joan The door must urgently activate the so-called economic ‘levers’ that allow the refinancing of Barcelona and urgently, because those operations must enter this exercise and for that it is an essential condition that signed before June 30.

The main decision is to accept or not to enter the project of CVCwhich would give the Barcelona club room to sign the improve the fair play financialand has also negotiated the possible sale by BLM, which is the club’s division that deals with the Blaugrana club’s stores.
The time squeezes and even more so if one takes into account that one of those ‘levers’, the one that affects the partial sale of the barca merchandisingshould be approved by a assembly of compromisers.
This last operation, the transfer of up to 49% of the company that manages the ‘Barça Store’, would entail the calling of a Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting before June 30, which could be one of the items on the agenda for today’s meeting, Tuesday. For do the same with Barça Studiosanother of Laporta’s ‘levers’, the assembly already voted in favor in his day. time presses