Barça presented this Monday, through its economic vice president, Jordi Moix, lThe results of a 2019-20 financial year marked by the appearance of Covid-19 in winter and by the state of alarm decreed in mid-March 2020. The pandemic has generated painful losses. Moix, who justified himself by saying that they have not brought “the seven plagues of Egypt”, began by showing data from the pandemic to contextualize the fall: 31.7 million confirmed disease cases, a negative GDP of 3% (not happening since World War II) and a 65% reduction in tourism. Obviously, that has affected the activity of Barça. Moix also linked Barça's losses with those of other major European clubs: Juventus have lost 71 million euros and Manchester United, 110 million, for example.

The cold numbers speak of an important fall of the Barcelona club at an economic level. Thus, the Barça entered 192 million euros less than what was budgeted. Where i thought i would box 1,047 million, barely got 855 (the club says that without the Covid it would have entered 1,059). Barça also admits losses due to 97 million euros. Further, he owes 820 million that he will only compensate in 332 for the money he must collect. Therefore, the debt of Barça goes from 217 to 488 million euros, although it still maintains an effective equity of 35 millions. The Barça reduced 42 million in wages and 30 million in other cuts. For all this, Barça has calculated a budget of 791 million for the 2020-21 season, provided certain optimistic assumptions are met how to start putting people in the stadium from November (25%) and being able to fill the stadium one hundred percent in February 2021.