Overcome by pain. This is how it is found Barbara Rey this Friday, the day his son’s interview is broadcast on Telecinco. In this interview, Angel Christ Jr. He charges harshly at her for money. At the same time, also this Friday, but in the morning, she received fateful news: her brother has died. “Just today,” as she emphasized Sofia Christ on Antenna 3.
“My mother just called me. My uncle died. She just told me,” said the DJ, especially excited. “I didn’t have a very close relationship with him but my mother has spent her entire childhood with him, of course, he is her brother,” recalled Nagore Robles’ ex-girlfriend. “Fuck, this week there are too many things,” she said, making a clear reference to her brother’s interview.

Sofía Cristo has not held back her tears when talking about her uncle and the sorrow her mother feels for all the dramas that have come together at the same time: “I am broken for my mother. It seems that everything comes together. Not because “My uncle is gone, he has had a bad life, he was sick with mental health, but she is my mother. And this now suddenly for my mother I cannot explain what it means. I have been watching her suffer all my life,” she lamented, broken into tears. .
Bárbara Rey, who has called her daughter live and they have spoken off camera, is on the lips of all the networks. While her daughter works on Antena 3 and her series and her documentary are broadcast, on Telecinco they go against it with the surprising interview with her son this Friday night. The son of Totana and the circus tamer will reveal the relationship he had with his parents when he was little, the harassment suffered in childhood motivated by their fame, the relationship he currently maintains with his mother and sister and the role that Barbara assigned him regarding her history with Juan Carlos I. “The real nightmare was my mother“, it says in a shocking headline. Bárbara is devastated and Sofía is astonished: “Bad intentions will never have good results. Think carefully before doing someone harm,” the DJ shared on Instagram this Thursday.
This is the first interview offered by Bárbara Rey’s son alone and, according to Pepe del Real, his motivation is none other than money: “He has a debt for a child support pension that has not been paid to his daughter’s mother. “He is talking about money and for money he would even be capable of attributing the paternity of his sister to third parties.”