Barbara Rey he is opening up on the channel like never before when it comes to talking about his supposed affair with the King Juan Carlos. On the occasion of the series that deals with his life and that of angel christthe former vedette has recalled how her meetings with the husband of doña sofia when she was not yet married to the circus tamer: “He was very attractive, he was very good. I could sing that song by Julio Iglesias: ‘I’ve taken the best of your life'”, he has confessed.
Read also – Bárbara Rey pulls Julio Iglesias to send a message to Don Juan Carlos: “I have taken the best of your life”
According to her, the king “had a crush” on her when he saw her on television. He contacted her and the meetings began: “There was a time when we were seeing each other in a place that was full of cameras and microphones from CESID. The villa of Calle Sextante “, he has detailed in Vanity Fair. This street is located in one of the most exclusive areas of Madrid, in Aravaca.

His story was impossible: “We had a pact from the beginning, he had his life, I had mine.. We knew there could be nothing else.” Meanwhile, Sofía Cristo’s mother became fond of him: “I do. I have loved him a lot“. On whether Felipe VI’s father felt the same way about her, she explained: “I think he was very fond of me at one point. If he loved me or not… I think that in a big season, yes. But of course, I knew I couldn’t aspire to anything else.”
The actress has also talked about other matters, even more pointed, such as the rumors that she had received public money and that she had allegedly blackmailed her ex-lover: “They do not stop lying and saying barbaric things, like they have given me 600 million from public coffers. I’ve had a number of problems, lots of people reproaching me for that, you can’t imagine. How come I’ve lived off public money? Please! That’s tremendously strong Tremendously strong!”
Read also – Bárbara Rey, about her affair with the emeritus: “I wish it had never happened”
And he has sentenced: “Not me. This is said in a way … It is that this is not the case, far from it.” Of course, he also throws miles: “Explaining it would take a long time. I will do it, but when I see fit.”

It must be remembered that the name of Barbara came to the fore again in the book of Juan Fernandez-Miranda y Javier Chicote, The spymasterwhich brought to light in 2021 the secret file of Neighbors A. Manglandformer advisor to King Juan Carlos, former director of the CSID, and who faced the alleged blackmail of the former vedette to the emeritus with some high-voltage videos, for which he would have pocketed an amount close to four million euros.