Bárbara Rey and her children, on the bench for alleged seizure of assets: the former vedette faces three years in prison

The Madrid Prosecutor’s Office requests three years in prison to Barbara Rey for a crime of seizure of assets in relation to various financial operations carried out to cause “a situation of economic defenselessness”, which made it impossible for him to satisfy the money that the Tax Agency was demanding, amounting to 143,902.24 euros.

The trial will be held next Monday at the Provincial Court of Madrid. The prosecutor requests his children, Sofia y angel christand his sister, Petratwo years and six months in prison. The representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office also charges them with a crime of seizure of property.

The facts on which the indictment is based date back to May 10, 2011, when the AEAT began an inspection of the former vedette in relation to the payment of Personal Income Tax (IRPF) for the fiscal periods between the years 2006 and 2008. Thus, on November 16, 2012, individual personal income tax certificates were issued, the first for the year 2006 and the second, corresponding to the year 2007/08, for amounts of 135,031.21 euros and 131,568.98 euros. , respectively.

Said minutes were notified to the defendant on February 12, 2013, and they had a voluntary entry period until March 20 of that same year. Hence, on July 18, two separate sanctions agreements were issued in both files, for amounts of 51,496.62 euros and 60,675.47 euros, also notified to the defendant on August 8, 2013.

Knowing that AEAT’s investigation work had begun, the defendant, “with the intention of avoiding said payment responsibility and frustrating AEAT’s legitimate expectations of collection”, contacted several relatives to act in ” collusion” in order to carry out certain acts of patrimonial disposition “that had as objective the purpose of generating the bankruptcy of the debts contracted, making it impossible for their legitimate owners to collect them.”

The Prosecutor’s Office details a total of thirteen operations in which her two children, her sister and other people took part with the purpose of causing a situation of economic defenselessness on the part of the accused “that would make it impossible to satisfy the credits claimed by the AEAT, by not there being enough assets for this purpose due to the insolvency situation created by the defendants”. As of December 19, 2017, there was a debt balance pending payment of 143,902.24 euros.
