“Bale is not at the level we all expected”

Gareth Bale He left this past summer to Tottenham hoping to green laurels, but the truth is that Mourinho He does not have him and everything indicates that he will return to Real Madrid once his assignment at Tottenham is over until the end of this season.

Bale's situation is one of the hot topics in British football and the last one he spoke about is Chris Coleman, former Bale coach in Wales. “We all know that he is a first-rate player. He is capable of winning you a game, of getting a goal out of nowhere and inventing a last pass, but when I see him now I always have the feeling that he is playing the first game after an injury ”, he said Coleman, to add that “obviously we all expected him to be fit by now, but it has become clear that he is not. I don't know if it's a matter of confidence, you have to think that the Premier is much tougher than La Liga. The intensity, the necessary physique … He still hasn't gotten there yet and you have to give him three or four games to see something different, but the truth is that he's not at the level we all expected ”.

Coleman believe that a Bale is love. “What the players need is love. I don't know what happened to him at Tottenham, but come on, he's 31 years old, it's too early to say he's finished. I have even heard comments that he is happy to be on the bench, and come on, the Bale I know would never be happy about that, “he explained. Coleman.

“He is a very serious boy who loves football, I am sure he would like to be in a good moment, but, I do not know, it may be that he is not physically well or he has a lack of confidence. I can't say what he will be like at Real Madrid or at Tottenham, but during my time in the national team he always wanted to know the plan I had for the team. He went to all the meetings, he liked to speak and understand what was the role that each one had to play, “he said. Coleman.