Bale: “I wanted to leave Madrid; it makes things difficult”

Bale spoke to Sky Sports yesterday ahead of the Wales game against Finland. The player was forced to give his version of the situation he is going through in Madrid.

-Will you stay in Madrid?

-I think the club needs to answer that question because I tried to leave last year and the club blocked everything at the last second. It was a project that I was excited about last year, but it didn't materialize. There have been other cases where we tried to go but the club did not allow it or do something to make it happen. So it depends on the club, what can I say. I want to play soccer. I am still motivated to play soccer. He's in the club. They are in control of everything. I have a contract, all I can do is continue with what I am doing and I hope something comes up.

-But would you like a transfer?

-I want to play soccer, I'm only 31 years old, I feel in very good shape and I have a lot to give. It is in the hands of the club but they make things very difficult to be honest.

– Would you return to the Premier League?

It's not in my hands. You have to see first what are the situations that arise. We will have a lot of time in this transfer window. Time will tell. Mainly the reason is that the decision is in the hands of Real Madrid.