The second half had only been played for a few seconds when one of the anecdotes of the day: Bale and Mariano left the locker room with the match started, so they could no longer cross the pitch until they reached the bench and had to go around half of Balaídos, to the disbelief of those present. The television production captured the snapshot in the minute 45:47‘. was not Ancelotti present to be able to raise his voice in the face of the lateness of his players.

Bale, below in the image, arriving at the bench with the second half underway.
The event took place when Real Madrid still won by the minimumfruit of the goal he had scored Benzema from eleven meters. Shortly after he equalized Nolitoauthor of the aforementioned maximum penalty, but who retaliated by pushing a ball into the cage at will in the small area. Both Bale and Mariano reached the edge of the 46th minute.