The former president of the Government Jose Maria Aznar celebrated his 70th birthday this Saturday with family, friends and members of the Popular Party, such as the current leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, at a private party at the Royal Theater of Madrid.
Once the celebration began, the first to speak were Ángel Acebes and Juan Manuel de Hoyos, Aznar’s close friend since they were children. Then the three sons of the former president took the floor, and one of his grandsons, Alejandro Agag Aznar, what took the floor to honor his grandfather. The last to speak was José María Aznar, who dedicated his most heartfelt thanks to his wife, organizer of the event.
In addition to Ana Bottlethe three sons of birthday boy wrapped up the former president on this special day. From the business world were Antonio Brufau, president of Repsol; Juan Abelló; Jose Bogas, president of Endesa; the Rosauro Varus, president of GAT Inversiones; accompanied by his girlfriend, the actress Amaia Salamanca.
There was a multitude of People’s Party personalities and former leaders of the conservative formation, from the time of Aznar and the current one. Alberto Núñez Feijóo He came with his girlfriend Eva Cárdenas. The current president of the PP recalled that with the arrival of the party in Moncloa, Aznar appointed him president of the National Institute of Health (Insalud) and later of the Post Office. We didn’t even see Rodrigo Rato. yes to Alvarez Helmets, his other vice president. Above all, the marked absences of Mariano Rajoy y Pablo Married.
“It got out of hand”
“We don’t know who it is. The name sounds familiar to us and we are looking for it on Google,” commented some young women at the door of the Real, surprised by the large number of cameras and the procession of VIPs, some of them with gifts on which we read brands as Hermes o Fulhanm. Isabel Diaz Ayuso, which all the onlookers recognized and cheered, was one of the stars of the night. She arrived with Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, director of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid and is a spokesman for the Aznar Government.
Also attending the party were Ángel Acebes, Federico Trillo, Minister of Defense during his Government; Robert Thomson, CEO of News Corp, Felipe Calderón, former president of Mexico; John William Snow, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States Government during the term of George W. Bush).
“I am not going to retire, nor am I going to shut up”, Aznar said in his speech. Ana Botella revealed that at first she wanted the celebration to be a surprise but that she got out of hand due to the impossibility of maintaining discretion with 200 guests on the list.
Ana Aznar Botella and her husband, Alejandro Agag, attended with their children; they traveled from London, where they live, expressly to be with their father. Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, Minister of Justice, mayor of Madrid and predecessor of Ayuso in the Community of Madrid, he arrived alone. Another former president of the CAM, Minister of Education and Culture and former president of the Senate, Hope Aguirre, The former Minister of Culture and President of the Community of Madrid, arrived leaning on crutches after her recent knee injury, which she herself explained in the program where she collaborates in Cuatro days ago. space where she also works Cristina Cifuentesthe other former president of the PP, whom we did not see.
another former minister Jose Maria Michavila, He came with his wife Alejandra Salinas. “He was a president who fulfilled what he promised”, highlighted the one who was the head of the Justice portfolio. Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, Isabel Tocino or the former Minister of Health Ana Mato also did not miss the appointment. Mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida caused cheers upon his arrival, although not as many as Ayuso.
Aznar footbridge

Antonio Brufau and his wife Isabel López-Marín

The actress Amaia Salamanca attended with Rosauro Varo.

Nuria González Sánchez, wife of businessman Fernando Fernández Tapias.

Alejandro Agag and Ana Aznar arrived with their children, the grandchildren of the former president.

Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, in purple podemite.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with his girlfriend, Eva Cárdenas.

The former vice president and former president of Asturias, Francisco Álvarez-Cascos, arrived alone. He has not known a girlfriend since he divorced his third wife, María Porto.

Alberto Ruiz Gallardon. The former president of the Community of Madrid, former Minister of Justice and former mayor of Madrid turned 64 in December.

The former Minister of Justice, José María Michavila, arrived with his wife, Alejandra Salinas, and was very nice and attentive to the press.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, cheered by many people from Madrid when they saw him arrive.

Manuel Pizarro, former president of Endesa, with his wife, upon arrival at the party.

The former Minister of Defense and former President of Congress, Federico Trillo, and his wife.

President Isabel Díaz Ayuso was acclaimed by some onlookers upon her arrival.

Another former Madrid president, Esperanza Aguirre, arrived on crutches for her birthday.

Lucía Figar and her husband, Carlos Aragones.