Ayuso points to Casado: “I never imagined that my party would act so cruelly against me”

The alleged espionage, denied by the national leadership of the PP, to the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the suspicions in Genoa about the contracts awarded to her brother shakes the popular and opens a war between the team of Pablo Casado and the Madrid Government.

“I never imagined that the leadership of my party could act in such a cruel way against me,” Ayuso said during an appearance from the Community headquarters, hours after the scandal about the alleged espionage broke out.

Debug charges in Genoa and the PP in Madrid

Ayuso has harshly charged the National Directorate of the PP for fabricating “alleged corruption” against it and without evidence, and has demanded that responsibilities be purged at both the national and regional levels.

from anonymity

“The statements published by the media and that come from Pablo Casado’s environment and that he does not deny are the worst that can be expected from politicians, and he does so anonymously,” said Ayuso, who has also criticized that the Directorate Nacional del PP, in a “so cruel and unfair” way, goes against her accusing her of corruption “without evidence” and putting her family in the middle.

“There can be nothing more serious than accusing someone from our own house with government responsibilities of corruption and doing it without evidence, involving my family. Family is the most important thing we have,” he stressed.

This was stated in an appearance before journalists, at the Royal Post Office, after it was published that a detective office was asked to investigate his brother to try to prove his mediation in a public contract. From the PP they required in September explanations to the president about this contract, for which supposedly, his brother could have received a commission of 280,000 euros.

Point to Pablo Casado

“The statements that the media are publishing throughout the morning and that come from the environment of Pablo Casado and that he does not deny are the worst that can be expected from politicians and, moreover, he does so from anonymity. For the opposition to attack me is logical, but for the leadership of my party to do so because I want to present myself to the PP Congress in Madrid is foolish”, he pointed out, while indicating that he only wants “a voice to be given to the members and to act in accordance with the law”.

mere gossip

The Madrid president has conveyed that “for a few months different media outlets have been denouncing that PP leaders were creating a dossier” against her, linking her “to some case of corruption related to my family”. “These news have already been published and were the object of unsuccessful attacks in the Madrid Assembly because no one made any accusations because they were mere gossip,” she stressed.

According to Ayuso, “if the PP leaders wanted to clarify a contract, they only had to ask for it since everyone is in the Transparency Portal“. For the president, “the fact of preparing a dossier was not to seek any truth” but to discredit her “personally and politically”.

Meeting with Married in September

Ayuso has shared that the operation took place in April 2020, but she found out in September when she went to the office of the president of the PP, Pablo Casado, to talk about the situation of the party and the regional congress. “To my surprise – commented the Madrid president – she told me that she was aware of this operation, and that she thought it was illegal, and that it had been leaked by La Moncloa”. So she -she continued- she, “I asked my brother, who had had a relationship with that company, and he told me that everything was legal, regulated in the Treasury and declared.”

Ayuso has defended that her brother has been working as a commercial in the health sector “26 years”, long before she entered politics, but has declared that has “never” helped you achieve “absolutely nothing” in your working life. “I encourage -he said in this sense- that someone shows that I have favored him in something to someone from my personal environment. They will not have a single test. I have only allocated my time and resources to Madrid,” he detailed.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso also dedicated a few minutes to the mayor and the alleged participation of the Madrid City Council in the plot. She said about him that the alderman had denied her the investigation of her brother’s accounts through a municipal company, “which is illegal.”

“I believe Almeida,” he remarked. “We have nothing else but to work together. It is difficult for me that we have fought so hard to get into this absurdity, which is more typical of people who have never managed anything and who go from corridor to corridor without any responsibility” , determined.

The first weeks, the popular leader of Madrid abounded, “the rumor spread of the services of a private investigator that I do not know. I spoke with the mayor and he told me that he did not know anything and that he would investigate it.”

“I knew they were fabricating alleged corruptions”

Thus, he pointed out, “despite the continuous leaks against my honor by the PP’s national leadership, which many journalists know, to whom they have been telling them one by one, I have always been faithful to my party and to the PP “. “Although I knew that they were manufacturing alleged corruption, I have always participated in everything,” explained the president of Madrid. “And I have not wanted to denounce him because I care about Madrid and Spain, and because the situation in the country is very serious, and I do not want to get lost.”

If he had wanted to harm the party, Díaz Ayuso explained, “he would have done it months ago.” And yet he clarified, “I have participated in seven acts in Castilla y León”.

now that they admit it “I ask that both the national and regional parties be cleared of their responsibilities”he maintains.

Genoa’s response: dossier

In response to the appearance of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the general secretary of the PP announced a few hours later the intention to open an informative file to the president of the Community of Madrid for disloyalty and lack of rectitude, and for almost harmful attitudes towards Pablo Casado and towards the national leadership of the Popular Party.

Teodoro García Egea has not clarified whether they will finally expel Isabel Díaz Ayuso, yes, he has added that the party reserves the appropriate actions and that they will not tolerate another accusation.

Who is Carromero in the alleged espionage of the PP to Isabel Díaz Ayuso?
