FIFA creates a fund to eliminate non-payment to soccer players

FIFA and FIFPRO, the global footballers union, have signed the foundational agreement of the FIFA Fund for Footballers (FIFA FFP), which aims to offer financial assistance to players to whom clubs owe contractual compensation and who do not have the opportunity to get to perceive them. To this end, FIFA has provided an endowment of … Read more

Esade presents Esade Women Initiative and Club WE Alumni to boost its commitment to gender equality

Madrid 02/11/2020 – 13:47 Esade has presented Esade Women Initiative (EWI) and the WE – Alumni Women Empowerment Club, two initiatives that are born to accelerate gender equity in society and the business world. “Universities and business schools have a responsibility to be agents of change and set an example before society in gender equality … Read more

The UJI promotes scientific vocations in women and makes visible its work with the UJI-Lamarr program

Madrid 02/11/2020 – 13:54 The rector of the Universitat Jaume I, Eva Alcón, has presented, coinciding with the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, the new UJI-Lamarr framework program resulting from the institution's commitment to promote scientific and technological vocations between women. In the act, the rector of the UJI has been accompanied … Read more

This is the shopping cart of the Spaniards: we spend more and better, we try new brands and the ‘cocooning’ spurs on us

02/11/2020 – 13:55 Updated: 15:00 – 02/11/20 Spanish families have spent about 89,000 million euros in the shopping cart in 2019, which represents an increase of 2.4% over the previous year. But In what products? What do we give more importance? How are we changing our consumption profile? In general, we are disloyal to brands … Read more

The judge authorizes the three-day prison permit for Jordi Cuixart

13:59 – 02/11/2020 Updated: 14:00 – 02/11/20 The Penitentiary Surveillance Court 5 of Catalonia has authorized this Tuesday the permission requested by the president of Òmnium Cultural, Jordi Cuixart, to leave three days in jail. In a car, the magistrate has rejected the arguments put forward by the Prosecutor to oppose the permit and has … Read more