The crash of bitcoin and ethereum already erases almost a trillion dollars from the cryptocurrency market

24/01/2022 – 11:05 Updated: 15:09 – 01/24/22 For bitcoin and ethereum, the two cryptocurrencies with the largest market capitalization, there has only been one trend in recent days: falling and falling. A correction that has accumulated and spread to the rest of the cryptocurrencies even more, erasing hundreds of billions of dollars of market capitalization. … Read more

Immortality, closer and closer: Altos gets 3,000 million to investigate cell rejuvenation

After months of speculation, Altos Labs finally sees the light. The new biotechnology company, focused on the programming of cellular rejuvenation, has a capital of 3,000 million dollars and a team made up of Nobel laureates, prestigious investors and scientific leaders. Leading the Altos executive team is Dr Hal Barron, until now President of R&D … Read more

This is the money you should have saved at 30, 40 or 50: this is how the ‘Greene Formula’ works

Saving is an obsession more or less common to all mortals, although the saving capacity of each person can be very different from that of another. Income, expenses (both the inalienable and the most superfluous) and even the lifestyle and hobbies of the person in question have an influence, since they can make them more … Read more