DC News: Real Madrid rubs their hands with the City sanction

The UEFA has imposed exemplary punishment on Manchester City due to incorrect advertising revenues that do not correspond to club money. The English team has been financially punished and with two years of suspension from any European competition. The PSG It is the next team investigated and if the sanction finally occurs the Parisian team … Read more

ING: Manchester City could descend to fourth division

The Manchester City he received exemplary punishment from the UEFA, which will prevent him from playing the next two seasons a European competition that is, will not be in the next two editions of the Champions League neither of the Europa League. The reason for this punishment is the breach of the Fair Play Financial, … Read more

This is the minimum income that Iglesias wants to implement and that would affect 10 million Spaniards

02/14/2020 – 18:25 Updated: 23:17 – 02/14/20 The vice president of Social Rights and leader of United Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, appeared Thursday at his own request before the Commission on Social Rights and Comprehensive Policies on Disability to present the main lines of his department. In his intervention before the groups, Iglesias placed special emphasis … Read more