Where should interest rates be in the US: this is the rule that leaves the Fed ‘in evidence’

The US Federal Reserve has bet everything on economic recovery. Historically expansionary monetary and fiscal policies have pulled the US economy out of the pit in record time. But this rapid growth has been accompanied by a strong price boom (inflation) that in another era would have triggered several interest rate hikes. The famous Taylor … Read more

The big bank chooses Alejandra Kindelán, from Santander, to take over from Roldán in the AEB

The big bank has decided to take advantage of José María Roldán’s decision not to renew again in the presidency of the AEB to place a woman and professional in the sector at its head. Your candidate is Alegend of Kindelán, head of the Studies Service, Public Policy and Institutional Relations of Banco Santanderr, and … Read more

This is how the US, UK and EU sanctions are: “It is the beginning of the invasion”

The Western response to Russian measures in the Ukraine crisis is already a reality: a battery of sanctions coordinated between the European Union, UK and US to hit Putin. Throughout the day, these three parties have made public what will be the concrete actions that each country will implement to do the greatest possible damage … Read more

Pablo Casado and García Egea postpone the announcement of their resignation to the meeting with the PP barons on Wednesday

22/02/2022 – 14:00 Updated: 18:34 – 02/22/22 Tuesday afternoon is a hive of rumours. Constant leaks of a possible intervention by Pablo Casado to announce his resignation and that of his general secretary of the PP, Teodoro García Egea. Around half past five in the afternoon, political sources advanced eE that Pablo Casado and Teodoro … Read more

The economic consequences of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will come in three different phases

The tension between Russia and Ukraine (and the West) seems to have reached a point of almost no return. In order to alleviate the situation, it would be necessary for one of the two parties to give up, something unlikely after the shipment of Russian troops to Donbass. Now, analysts are beginning to calculate what … Read more

Telefónica will retire ‘Fusion’ to sell its multiservices with a new brand

7:00 – 22/02/2022 Updated: 08:53 – 02/22/22 Telefónica Spain is preparing a radical renewal of its Movistar Fusión offer, which will include a change in the brand and the launch of a new marketing model for its services and products. As elEconomista.es has learned from sources familiar with the situation, the teleco understands that the … Read more

Russia recognizes the independence of eastern Ukraine and raises the drums of war

Brussels/Madrid 20:47 – 21/02/2022 Updated: 22:37 – 02/21/22 Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized on Monday the Ukrainian regions occupied by pro-Russian separatists of Donetsk and Lugansk as independents, “a decision I should have made a long time ago”. Shortly after, he ordered the Russian troops stationed until now on the border to take up positions … Read more