How to know if your company has registered you: this is the Social Security method

Being registered with Social Security is something essential for all citizens who are doing a job and registering them is an obligation of employers, since they must pay (along with their own employees) the necessary contributions to maintain the right benefits, pensions and other coverage. But, what happens in those cases in which the worker … Read more

The dairy industry paralyzes its factories starting this Thursday due to the transport strike

16/03/2022 – 16:21 Updated: 08:26 – 03/17/22 The National Federation of Dairy Industries (Fenil) has issued a statement announcing that as of this Thursday it will paralyze its activity as a result of the transport strike due to the lack of supplies in the factories, which annuls the packaging and storage capacity. “The Spanish dairy … Read more

How much does a truck driver earn: salaries that reach 2,000 euros but depend on costs

This week in Spain a carrier strike is being suffered in many cities. The workers of the sector are summoned by the Platform for the Defense of the Merchandise Transport Sector to support, from this midnight, an indefinite strike before the “Very serious situation in the sector and inadmissible working conditions”. Among their claims, is … Read more

The Fed raises interest rates to 0.25% and promises to continue with the increases

16/03/2022 – 19:03 Updated: 19:30 – 03/16/22 There was no surprise. The Federal Reserve has announced an increase in interest rates interest a quarter of a point, around 0.25% to 0.5%, kicking off a series of increases for the next meetings. “Continued rate hikes will be appropriate” to stabilize inflation, the US central bank’s Open … Read more