Russia attacks the dollar: it will demand payment for gas in rubles from Europe, the United Kingdom or the United States

Russia intends to demand payment in rubles for purchases of Russian gas from all hostile states, those that have implemented sanctions against the country and among those listed the members of the European Union, as well as the United States or the United Kingdom. This decision means going up one more step in the current … Read more

Spain leads the poverty index in the developed world: this is how the stagflation thermometer works

The 1970s were such a global economic shock that now every time inflation rears its head, similarities with that time are sought. Based on the data, the current moment is the closest to that time, characterized by high inflation and a lacerating economic stagnation. A global pandemic and a war on European soil 70 years … Read more

Why doesn’t Spain use its uranium? There are reserves to cover the entire supply and not depend on Russia

Spain has the largest uranium reserves in the European Union, with the capacity to cover national demand and not depend on imports from Russia and “other countries whose legal reliability is questionable”, according to data from Berkeley Minera España. In this sense, the Australian mining company has considered that Spain could be “energy independent” of … Read more

How to make an appointment with Social Security: pensions, Minimum Vital Income…

Although the usual tendency of the Administration is to give priority to telematic methods to carry out all kinds of procedures, the truth is that certain people may prefer more personalized and traditional attention such as that received in an office. This also happens with Social Security, which has different services for obtaining an appointment … Read more