McConnell announces that impeachment trial against Trump will begin next Tuesday in the Senate

The majority leader in the United States Senate, Republican Mitch McConnell, has announced that the political trial (impeachment) against the president, Donald Trump, in the Senate will begin next Tuesday, January 21, as reported by the local newspaper Political. If the House of Representatives sends the two articles of the political trial against the president … Read more

A strong explosion at the petrochemical plant in La Canonja (Tarragona) leaves eight injured and one dead

01/14/2020 – 19:20 Updated: 22:50 – 01/14/20 The petrochemical plant of La Canonja (Tarragona) has registered a strong explosion on the afternoon of this Tuesday that has been heard from the city of Tarragona, with flames and a column of smoke, and that leaves at least eight injured – one critic, another very serious, one … Read more