Rafa Nadal and Pablo Carreo face in the third round of the Australian Open. The game starts no earlier than 04.00 on this Saturday

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Spanish duel in the Australian Open. Rafael Nadal Y Pablo Carreo they face in the third round of Melbourne in a game that is played this Saturday, January 24 on the third morning shift. The game starts at dawn this Saturday not before 04.00 hours.
Nadal, number 1 in the world, is measured at Carreo, number 30 of the ATP ranking. The manacor has already surpassed the Bolivian Hugo Dellien and before the Argentine Federico Delbonis. While Pablo Carreo has sold to Jozef Kovalk and Peter Gojowczyk.
Where to watch Nadal – Carreo on TV
The Australian Open match between Rafa Nadal and Pablo Carreo can be seen on television in Eurosport, channel available on several payment platforms.
I can also continue Live El Nadal – Carreo on the EL MUNDO website as well as being aware of the latest results of the competition.
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