Taking into account that a good part of the Spanish listed companies have a habit of distributing a dividend in the middle of the year and another at the beginning of the year, it is not surprising that December comes loaded with cut-off dates that should be watched. Some of them imminent. Check here the calendar of the next dividends.
It is the case of the Atresmedia: the media group, one of the flagships of remuneration in Spain, has announced that it will pay again after a two-year break, and will do so in a matter of days: on December 16 it will distribute 0.18 euros, that offer a profitability of 5%. Whoever does not have the value in the portfolio must buy securities this Monday, the 13th, at the latest, since on Tuesday the 14th it will be listed without the right to this payment. The consensus analysts collected by FactSet recommend keeping the company’s shares in the portfolio.
Monday the 13th is also the deadline to pocket the 0.3955 euros that Metrovacesa will pay, which rents 5.1%. The real estate company announced this payment at the end of October, when it reported that it had come out of losses in the period from January to September, by changing the 82.1 million in red for 10.4 million in black numbers.
Wednesday 15 is the last day to enter Farma Field, a company that for years has resorted to payment in shares, the so-called scrip. The 0.171 euros that will be distributed on January 3 they offer another 5%. And the 16th is the last day to put Enagás in the portfolio, which on December 21 will deliver 0.68 euros, which yield 3.3%.
The key date, both for Ebro Foods as for Viscofan, it is the 19th (the 20th will be traded without the right to dividend). The pasta manufacturer remains firm in its remuneration policy, and this year it will once again distribute its particular tenth with a secure prize: the group plans to approve a dividend at its extraordinary meeting on Wednesday, December 15 extra in cash of 0.57 euros, to be paid on the 22nd, the Christmas Lottery. At current prices, allow pocketing 3.3% This is Ebro’s fourth and last annual dividend, which is usually paid in April, June, October and December.
The meat wrap manufacturer Viscofan will deliver ?? also on the 22nd ?? 1.40 euros, which rents 2.5%. It will do so as a non-Ibex company, after, this Thursday, the Technical Advisory Committee of the index decided to replace it with Rovi. The change will be effective on the 20th. Those 1.40 euros correspond to the first payment charged to the year 2021 (Viscofan traditionally pays in December and June).
Still to be confirmed are the dividends of Bankinter and of Sabadell. The first of these entities will pay its shareholders, according to the estimates collected by Bloomberg, on April 28th, December 28, with a payment of 1.3%, the same yield of the Sabadell dividend, expected for the 29th (See cut-off dates in the Payment Calendar in Spain, on the right). The next delivery of Endesa is confirmed, which on January 3 will pay 0.50 euros per share. To collect them, you must buy before the 30th.