Athletic will put the bus in the Wanda

Athletic begins to prepare for the two Cup finals that await them in April away from the pitch. The rojiblanco club is undertaking a series of initiatives to live this milestone so far never seen in a special way. The latest idea of ​​the Ibaigane entity affects the first team bus.

Athletic itself is in charge of explaining this initiative through its website. “A photograph of the rojiblanca fans is the new image of the official bus of the first team. The vinyl of the fan covers the two sides, the front, the back and the roof. In addition, together with the name, shield and track record of Athletic Club, the emblem of Bizi Ametsa (Live the dream) has been added for the occasion, consisting of a lion and the Cup trophy, both on the sides and on the roof ” , they indicate from the Bilbao club.

East The bus will be ready from tomorrow, Wednesday, for the game that the lions play in Madrid against Atlético de Madrid. Athletic is aware that the dispute in a Cup final is always very special for its fans and that Covid-19 will prevent the public from being in the stands of La Cartuja.

“Under these circumstances, heThe image of the Athletic fans on the bus symbolizes a wish and a reality: the wish, that soon we join the team and the fans on the same soccer field. The reality, even if it is virtual, is that the fans travel with Athletic, because we always keep them in mind and even more so in these times of pandemic ”, says the rojiblanco club.