Finally. Athletic has managed to carry out the new Statutes on the third attempt after the compromisers said they were not presidents Fernando Garcia Macua y Josu Urrutia. The representatives of the members present today at the Extraordinary Assembly of the Euskalduna Palace have given their favorable vote to the regulations drawn up by the commission made up of Aitor Elizegithe former president Ana Urquijo, Another Uriarte, Gorka Cubes y Josu Arteta.
The final text had to have the approval of two thirds of the Assembly. They have finally gone ahead with 530 votes in favor, 69.28%, by 215 against (28.10%). The text has been approved by a narrow margin of 2.68%. In addition, there have been 11 blank votes and 9 null votes.
This decision affects the new Board that will come out of the elections that will be held on June 24. The new directors will have to present a pre-guarantee of 5% of the current budget (around 7 million euros) and present the definitive guarantee when they approve their own budgets.
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