Atalanta – Valencia: Gasperini, the ogre of 'Mou' that threatens Valencia | Champions League 2019



Bergamo (Italy) .- Atalanta & apos; s coach Gian Piero <HIT data-recalc-dims= Gasperini …”/>

Gasperini congratulates his players after a game.

In one of the stadium funds Luigi Ferraris of Gnova a banner with a silhouette and a legend appears in each game: Gasperson. As in a Premier League stadium, there were no divisions when it came to paying tribute to the technicians who make history. The tifosi of Genoa they encumbran their particular Alex Ferguson, Gian Piero Gasperini (Grugliaso, 1958), the coach who, in two different stages, returned them to Serie A and left them touching the Champions League. The passion he unleashes in the Grifone is now lived in Brgamo, where the nickname is kept alive in the stands of the Atleti Azzurri.

From his hand, the Atalanta It has sneaked into the top 16 teams in Europe and measure this Wednesday in the exile of San Siro the resistance of a Valencia with a defense to tatters, without Rodrigo and caught in the explosion of Ferran Torres. Gasperini is well aware of the Milans Stadium, because it was his home for a few months. A time in which to be the fashion technician in Italy earned him the call of Inter, which after the departure of Jos Mourinho chain the layoffs of Bentez Y Leonardo.

In Moratti, the praise that Portugal always dedicated to him weighed. Gasperini has been the toughest technician I have faced. In an Inter-Genoa I changed the scheme five times to create difficulties and other times I countered by changing his drawing in a few minutes. It was like a fight between dogs and cats. I had to win at all costs and he didn't want to lose under any circumstances. It was a spectacular 0-0 for those who love football.


Little praise was given to this coach who escapes from the cold Italian school with audacity and generates devotion among those who are at his command for his didactic ability to make them better. make them better. Thiago Motta, the Sevillist Suso or the Colombian Muriel, to whom his suggestion of seeking the goalkeeper diagonally enlarged him, although Ilicic and Zapata continue to complicate ownership.

The Italian technician's seal fits perfectly with the spirit of the goddess, that in the Greek mythology hua of the marriage challenging its suitors to a race in which nobody was able to defeat it. Speed ​​is one of Atalanta's weapons. Press the exit of the ball with coordinated movements, chasing rivals man to man and throwing the lanes in search of the complicity of the Argentine Papu Gmez, the creative brain, and the effectiveness of the two killers: Zapata and Ilicic.

That joy has led him to be the most top scorer team in the European major leagues and the third one that has scored the most goals behind PSG and Manchester City.

Especially worrisome is this statistic for Valencia in a tie where each goal can be an impulse or a stick of sand to the aspirations of reaching the quarterfinals: the team arrives broken by casualties in defense. To the sanction of Paulista, expelled before the Ajax, the rupture of ligaments of Garay was united with the window of market just closed and the inopportune chickenpox of Florenzi. With Coquelin Also outside the call for a muscle injury, Celades has no choice but to entrust to an indica and, for the moment, unreliable couple: Diakhaby Y Mangala.

Rodrigo's knees

The puzzle is complicated with the worrying low of Rodrigo Moreno, called to be a catalyst for the game in the Catalan proposal. His knees, both of them, are playing tricks on him and yesterday instead of traveling to Brgamo, he passed medical recognition in Vitoria trying to find a solution to what began as a sprain. It's also not in Miln Kangin Lee, but it's a Guedes In the preseason you will have to accompany Maxi Gmez on the tip and the top Ferran Torres. If there is a player who can hit the Italians, he is the young extreme who surprises in Europe but still does not sign his renewal with Valencia.

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