Another marriage in the Urquijo family. In May, Teresa Urquijo married the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida. It was the wedding of the year. Later, it was her cousin Verónica Urquijo who married Roberto Truque. The surprise? That among the guests at this wedding, in Hinojosa de la Sierra, in Soria, was Felipe VI. The King attended without his wife, Letizia. Neither did his daughters attend. The magazine reports it Week.
A bucolic and rural setting, among the orchards of Soria, was the setting for the wedding of Verónica, daughter of Gonzalo Urquijo Fernández de Araoz, and Roberto. The bride and groom said ‘I do’ in the church of the Assumption of Our Lady of Hinojosa de la Sierra. Afterwards, they offered a banquet to their guests in the castle of the aforementioned town in Soria, on the property owned by the bride’s parents. Don Felipe travelled to the place, where he congratulated the newlyweds. He enjoyed the meal and chatted with some of the guests, as published in the magazine.
Among the guests, the King’s former brother-in-law Jaime de Marichalar
Among the guests were his ex-brother-in-law Jaime de Marichalar, as well as Xandra Falcó, Pedro de Borbón dos Sicilias and Carlos Sainz, with his wife, Reyes Vázquez.
The connection between the Urquijos and the royal family is close. In the case of Teresa, Almeida’s wife, her grandmother Teresa de Borbón is a cousin of Don Juan Carlos, which is why the emeritus attended her wedding. Not so the Kings. In the case of Verónica, her great-grandfather, the Marquis of Mondéjar, was head of the Royal Household.