Aseptic message from Chen, who takes the blame for the “failure”

Far from the first Chen Yansheng, the one who arrived in Barcelona with a sack of money, hope and the promise of reaching the Champions League in three years, the president of Espanyol sent an aseptic two-minute institutional message to fans after he The fifth decline in the club's history was confirmed on the already sad night of Wednesday in an empty Camp Nou. Chen's message is summed up in two ideas. “The biggest responsibility for the sporting result is mine” and “we set the year as an exciting challenge and we have failed”.

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The rest, in the president's third statement this season (the first was at the Shareholders' Meeting, the second in March because of the COVID-19 and this now) are words of promise to regain the lost place, but this time without setting a specific date and without giving more brushstrokes of the sports revolution that the entity needs and that, mainly, the fans ask for.

Spanish Shield / Flag

The latter is the word most often repeated by the President. “I want to express my sincere and deep apologies to the fans and fans who cheer on the team. For this reason we must carry out a deep self-criticism and reflection. At the same time, we will strongly promote the continuous development of the club. We are confident that through unremitting efforts and hard work, the club will return to the highest category, the place it deserves by history, “the president started, dressed in a shirt and with a Spanish flag on the right side of his office.

“The values ​​of struggle and persistence of Espanyol are respected. The most important thing is the fans, who are always there fighting side by side. Your support is the source of energy and the engine to keep going,” explained the president, although the club is moving away from its fans with little representation on the parrot council (beyond Carlos García Pont). “We set ourselves this course as an exciting challenge and we have failed. It is very painful, but we will not lose hope and hope for that reason. We have a good financial situation and assets such as the stadium, the sports city, our grassroots football and most importantly , our hobby, which will help us achieve success again, “he explained.

Of course, in his speech he also introduced a Chinese saying (“Those who want to jump should duck first”), and the certainty that Espanyol will regain its place in history: “Experience from the past will be the club's most valuable treasure. We promise to inherit and promote Espanyol's glorious 120-year tradition and look forward to the return of a much stronger club.”