José María Muñoz, during his press conference at La Rosaleda, answered a number of questions related to the legal situation that Málaga is experiencing. The investigation against the Al Thani for the alleged crimes of administration, misappropriation and money laundering requires an essential requirement: the declaration of those investigated. “It is necessary that the defendants be heard, Until that happens, it is impossible for the instruction to finish.. It is waiting for it to proceed and I understand that it will happen sooner rather than later. There is no deadline for it to appear in court. They could even prescribe the crimes. There are three crimes that are imputed to him and money laundering prescribes after ten years. If that happens, we would go back to the situation before.”explained the judicial administrator.
The manager, imposed by the head of the Court of Instruction number 14 of Malaga, acknowledges that the provisional nature “is not good”, but considers it necessary to maintain the current process until the process against the Al Thani is clarified. In this way, insisted on his idea of keeping BlueBay out of the club’s day-to-daydespite the fact that the hotel company has a ruling in its favor that grants it 49 percent of the sheikh’s shares.
“Every time they have asked me, I have met and listened to them. His request to join me in the club I have not seen opportune. I have stated so, face to face. I have explained the reasons from the legal point of view. Depreciation of your shares? They would have also been devalued quite a bit if the club had disappeared,” Muñoz added.

The Al Thanis are currently awaiting the Supreme Court’s ruling on the appeal they have filed against the ruling that awarded BlueBay 49% of their shares. If that resource is not supported, the picture will not change much. “There is a provisional execution regarding the actions. The scenario that I contemplate is that the appeal (presented by Al Thani) is not admitted and that scenario is the same as it is today. We are working as if there were no appeal. There is a conflict between partners (Al Thani and BlueBay), they don’t get along with each other. If there was an agreement between Al Thani and BlueBay, I have no problem, but it is not the case. My position has to be that of being in profile and a little aseptic”, insisted the administrator.
Muñoz also ruled out a short-term capital increase as long as there is no understanding between the sheikh and his children and the hotel company: “Capital increases must be necessary and justified. Malaga now has sufficient funds. Make a capital increase with the idea of diluting one of the partners, I will never support it and the court would never accept it. Al Thani and his children are innocent, the presumption of innocence in Spain fortunately still exists”.
Throughout this time there have been continuous requests made by BlueBay to the court requesting the dismissal of José María Muñoz. The blue and white judicial administrator was also questioned about this. “Every time there is a piece of news in the press with documentation that also goes to court. When they send me their writings, I answer them and that’s it. I would be much calmer at home and in my office. I was entrusted with a job and until the end I have to do it. The day the Public Ministry and the court agree that it is over, well, good bye, “he replied.