1-Dani Barrio: Shot in the two goals because they left him sold. The man did what he could. He is not Superman.
2-Victor Gomez: His band has long been a drain. For a walk in the 1-0 play because Alkain left at will At 2-0 he was out of place because he did not receive poor assistance from Paulino and Robert Navarro left at will. Stagnant.

20-Ishmael Houses: Central due to the absence of the sanctioned Peybernes. He started his career as a center back although he is considered a winger. He did not mark territory.
4-Lombán: He left Karrikaburu alone in the 1-0 that he finished off at will. And he was late at 2-0. Very badly.
3-Javi Jimenez: Disastrous. He neither attacked nor defended. He didn’t even pull out. A horror. Suspense.
7-Paulino: Disoriented. Perhaps what they ask for does not correspond to their characteristics. This to haggle and does not; they ask him to defend his band and neither. It’s not your fault.
14-Febas: Starter in midfield by Ramón. Player of talent applied in recovery tasks that, perhaps, is not for what was brought to him in the winter market.
23-Scarcei. He got the mandatory yellow card at 8′. If he did not establish order, it is because his mission is not to establish order. Evil.
15-Antoñín disastrous match. Little more to add.
19-Jozabed: In theory second striker, he was delayed in search of balls that he did not find. What did the coach ask him?
39-Robertor: The kid has been thrown to the lions.
From the bench:
9-Brandon. He came out at 57′. Revolutionized by the evident apathy, he crashed a spur shot against the post. Then he had another option.
18-Vadillo: He entered in search of a talent that this Malaga lacks. A miss and little more. Insubstantial
12-Chavarría: Natxo took him out of the garbage in the minutes. He didn’t even touch the ball.
10-Jairo: No game.
37-Kevin: Came out down the stretch to take the classic dribbler kick.
Natxo Gonzalez: Maybe the problem wasn’t José Alberto. Social networks do a lot of damage. His scalpel is not giving effect and does not transmit illusion.