Appeal to fans to avoid rallies

He Superior Sports Council (CSD), the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) and LaLiga They appeal to Spanish fans so that, before the imminent end of competitions, they opt for celebrations of a private nature or restricted to small groups allowed by law. Concentrations that could pose a health risk should be avoided, since the pandemic of the COVID-19 It continues to wreak havoc inside and outside our country.

It should be remembered that, today, several Spanish regions and regions have regressed in the de-escalation process due to sprouts, and this makes it unadvisable for small crowds or meetings to take place that have not been regulated by the authorities. Due to strict health criteria, images such as those experienced in some parts of the country last weekend are totally inadvisable.

He CSD, the RFEF and The league They achieved, through the signing of the Viana Pacts and with the collaboration of the entire sports sector, a successful return from training and sports competitions, always under strict health safety protocols that received the approval of the competent authorities. The players, the clubs and all the personnel involved in the development of the championships have made Spain today an international example in terms of safe sports. It is something that the fans have also achieved, which are key to promoting a model end to our leagues.

This year it is time to celebrate the success of the teams from home, with the family, in small groups, on the balconies or through Social Networks, but in no case through concentrations that put their own health and that of others at risk.

Only by avoiding these circumstances will we be effective in combating the virus, defeating it, and then, yes, celebrating great successes as they really deserve.