Jokin Aperribay expressed himself totally contrary to the creation of the new European Super League in which the great football clubs of the continent are working. The president of Real Sociedad has shown his total rejection of this Super League competition at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the San Sebastian club. “I don't know who the Super League is better for, I don't like it”, He pointed out.

“Let's see,” Aperribay began seriously at the question of one of the Real's shareholders. “I don't know who he asks to benefit, really. We do not share the creation of that Super League at all. I don't know for whom it is better, certainly for the fans it is not. It may be that some clubs may benefit at first, but not in the future. Of course for all the clubs it is not beneficial ”, the president of the Real added later.
“We work so that it does not leave. La Real is in the ECA and gives its point of view, and it is not something that generates consensus. I do not think that it is something suitable for football, nor that it is something that is going to benefit the fans.
It is not good for the future of football to question the principle of the classification of the national leagues, through which the presence to play in European competition is achieved ”, adds Aperribay later. “The current model of European competitions has been improving, there will be things to improveI'm sure, but I don't like the Super League ”, he says.
Forward the accounts of the coronavirus
It does not matter if it is a General meeting of shareholders in person or online, that history repeats itself. Perhaps also because year after year the Royal Society presents balanced and healthy accounts, and sportingly the team continues to grow, which in the end is the scale that the social mass of a club uses to be more vehement or lukewarm in your criticism. Be that as it may, the Board of Directors chaired by Jokin Aperribay He returned to carry out the accounts he presented in the Telematic Board With the support of the absolute majority of the shareholding mass that participated electronically and represented.
Total, 100 shareholders connected to the application used by the Royal, which represents only 1.32% of the shareholders, but there were 1,483 shareholders represented, which raised the quorum to 31.35% of the shareholding mass of the Real. In total, 42,959 shares participated. With that participation, the accounts were approved last year with 99.81% of the votes, and the budget for this season with a support of 99'66% of the participating shareholders.
The reality is that the Royal Society has presented its shareholders with more than healthy accounts; dodging the curves caused by the global coronavirus pandemic with flying colors, and in which a negative effect of the Covid-19 crisis is barely visible. Although it is true that the budget for this season is reduced by two million euros With respect to last season, the truth is that this drop is not really significant.
The council chaired by Aperribay has presented a budget of 110,0662,287 euros of income with an expected surplus of 757,742 euros, because the expenses barely exceed 109 million euros. For its part, the previous year, which has been under the full effect of the global stoppage due to the coronavirus, closed with a surprising surplus of more than 3 million euros, because it closed with just over 113 million and a half euros, while almost 117 million were entered.
They are accounts that they are still very orderly, to the point that they throw an asset to the club of 195 million euros, similar amounts applied to the entity's liabilities. It has also been explained that to better order the accounts in the midst of the coronavirus problem, the six matchdays of last season that were played in July, when the exercise in theory had already ended, they have been imputed to the 2019/20 season.
La Real once again presents a solvent economy, despite the drop in income due to the effects of the coronavirus and that it has had to face a payment of more than 60 million euros for the remodeling of Anoeta and that personnel expenses have grown again by three million euros. But the sale of Diego Llorente to Leeds and the money received from the transfer of Griezmann from Atlético to Barcelona It has allowed balancing the accounts and not having treasury tensions, something quite common in other top clubs in these moments of so much uncertainty.
Has been a historic General Shareholders' Meeting, because it was developed for the first time telematically, in one of the corners of the Anoeta stadium, and which has lasted about two hours, with some other problem with the connection, logical when being done for the first time in this virtual way.
They have participated telematically live 122 shareholders at the General Meeting, with a question and answer session that lasted around 40 minutes, with questions that have gone from the placement of the Real's shield on the facade of the Anoeta stadium, to the reason for the public positioning of the club by one of the candidates in the elections to the presidency of the Gipuzkoan football federation, going through the position of the Real regarding the European Super League or the presence of partners in the final of the Copa del Rey postponed.
No issue that has rushed the president, Jokin Aperribay, who has been accompanied by the directors Nerea Aranburu and Ángel Oyarzun at the table, and who has been congratulated for 12 years at the helm of the presidency of the Royal Society, but who has also been asked not to fall into “complacency.”