Antonio David and Marta Riesco, the carnival duo of the world of the heart

She wanted to succeed as a singer; He thinks he’s an expert guitarist, and the two join forces to post their desire to enter the music scene in style on their social networks.

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The first incursion of the most carnival duo in the world of the heart, that is, of Antonio David Flores y Marta I canleads us to a version of the romantic song My lovealso known as unchained Melodyin which the reporter exhibits a warm and very successful voice, and the ex of Olga Moreno y Rocio Carrasco a guitar strum to get out of trouble.

They say that the civil guard does not separate from the instrument in his travels. He likes to liven up his gatherings with family and friends with his musical arts. And although it seems that he also takes to singing, this time he has given the use of his voice to his girlfriend, whom he looks spellbound. He drools. How beautiful is love.

In the video, only Flores is seen, guitar in hand. Marta is heard but she does not appear. Of course, her melodious voice captures all the attention of those who watch the sequence. No objection can be raised, because she sings very well.