They will have to improve their offer a lot Santi Acosta, Beatriz Archidona and their guests on Friday night to be rivals of Antena 3, which swept the premiere of the fourth edition of 'The Challenge', despite losing some steam compared to the previous start of the season.
Telecinco's proposal included Cándido Conde Pumpidoformerly of Lara Dibildos and son of the president of the Constitutional Court, to Cast Vallejo-Nágera shooting against Paulina Rubio and talking about ex like Eugenia Martínez de Irujo oa Oblivion Ants, which tried to unearth the controversy after its sex tape or other subsequent scandals. In any case, matters whose power is light years away from the great topic of Angel Christ Jr and all its derivations or the unfortunate but effective spectacle of Francisco Rivera telling that his eldest daughter is not the fruit of love for her mother, the daughter of the Duchess of Alba, reviewing the addictions of Carmina Ordóñezpardoning ISabel Pantoja or attacking his own brothers.

The night was completed at La Sexta with the Investigative Team (4.7%) and the cinema: James Bond on La 1, which broadcast Die another day (8.6%), Four with The Mechanic (6.6%), and a very creditable 4.2% of La 2 with The 13 roses.