Another stick for Ibai

Ibai Gómez is still lucky in his second stage as an Athletic player. The Santutxu winger has had little to say in Gaizka Garitano's plans and now he has an injury that will keep him a good season in the dry dock.

Ibai suffered a fracture to his right clavicle in training this morning in Lezama. According to the note issued by the rojiblanco club, “after the pertinent medical tests carried out, the rojiblanco player has undergone a specific immobilization. The assessment of appropriate therapeutic options is pending.”.

Shortly after his injury was made public, Ibai has reacted on social networks downplaying his accident: “This is nothing! THANKS everyone as always! ESKERRIK ASKO! See you soon! Aupa @AthleticClub! “.

In this way, the deriotarra coach accumulates problems, since Ibai joins the other three footballers with physical problems, Iñigo Martínez, Yuri Berchiche and Peru Nolaskoain, and the six players who remain isolated in their homes after testing positive for coronavirus: Williams, Unai López, Córdoba, Larra, Núñez and Sancet.