The Atletico Madrid he will have to resolve several open issues next summer, even before the season is over. Among them what to do with several of the players who end their contract. One of them is Felipe Augusto Monteirowho was expelled last Saturday against Getafe in an action in which he left outnumbered.
And it is not the first time that it has happened in this same season. The fact is that the Brazilian concludes the contract at the end of the course. And there are conflicting messages regarding the possible renewal of it. From some media it is pointed out that the rojiblanco club is willing to put a contract on the table until 2024, one plus one.
But the truth is that the season, very irregular on its part, does not precisely support this impression.
Now from Brazil It is ensured that the player is already in talks with a club in his country to find a destination. With an eye on the reinforcements, Flamengoproperty of Paulo Sousacontacted the defender’s agent Felipe to better understand what the player wants for the future. The contact was only to better understand the player’s situation, without further proposals or anything like that, according to the media.MSN’ Brazil.
Felipewho is currently 32 years old, reached the Atletico Madrid in the 19-20. With great prominence in Corinthians Y Portothe São Paulo club even asked about a possible return of the defender, another of the options open to him in his country.
In the case of Flamengo, intends to enter with everything to have the Brazilian international defender. According to the country’s media, he contacted through Giuliano Betoluccipersonal trainer of Felipewhich has a good relationship with the red and black directive.
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